jeudi 28 août 2014

Um, WWE's top faces of the future.... WHERE ARE THEY?

Looking at the WWE roster on got me thinking ...

Um... WWE doesn't have many high potential top Main Event faces on their roster, even with NXT!

I don't want to turn this into a John Cena hate thread but John Cena as the top face for so long is now starting to be a big issue. If reports are true and Cena's in-ring days are limited, let's say to 1 year from now ... what options do WWE have to turn to for their new faces of the company. You can't just have one or two because in case they get injured you need at least a handful to be able to pop into the main event and ones that don't need a LOT of work (mic and ring work, as well as previous accomplishments for credibility) to move up.

Past years the top faces ranged from flip flopping guys like CM Punk, Triple H, Randy Orton, Batista, Edge, Chris Jericho, Undertaker, Christian, Jeff Hardy who were all well-established and ready to go to the Main Event (as some where there already). Now, there NEEDS to be a new wave. Too many old guys and not enough new guys with accomplishments.

Here's the list of all the Superstars, I think could be possible believable top faces along with a brief analysis of their situation:


He could be a top face but not long at all, in fact, he may not be back at all.

Big E

Still a lot of work for him to really be a TOP Main Event face. Needs to work on mic skills, needs to show more moves and, obviously, connect with the crowd more. Until then, he can't be used as a top main event face.

Big Show

Too old, too much damage to credibility to be top main event face for any length of time.


He has the potential. But he's been hurt with Creative almost working against the fans who want to cheer him but he's portraying a heel. I do think to become a top main event face he needs better ring attire (less old school, try full tights) and better entrance music, bring back The Swing and he has a chance!

Daniel Bryan

Obviously, he is established now. He can be a top main event face, but he will always be in the underdog spot. But the issue is now he is injured and out for a least 3 more months and maybe more so, yes, maybe he is one of the top main event faces of the future, but he will likely be in a Rey Mysterio-like role where he has to go up and down from top to mid card through out his career in WWE because he's not going to be believable as always a top contender for the WWE title all the time.

Dean Ambrose

So here it is. In my opinion, WWE's best potential top main event face, in the making! He's already got all the tools, great mic skills, great ring skills and a great look! He's a jacked up muscle freak but he's tall enough to not be laughed off and he's 'crazy' enough people can believe he can beat anybody because he doesn't know any better.

Ok, so, assuming WWE don't mess him up. Here is 1 top face for the future.

Dolph Ziggler

I'll be blunt. Don't see him being a top main event face for any long length of time. I see him popping up every once in a while because his great in-ring selling ability but mostly I think he's also been around too long, with too many losses that he can't be a top main event face of the FUTURE.

Jack Swagger

He actually has the size to be believable in the top main event face role but too many losses really hurts him and even with Zeb as his mouthpiece I don't think he'll ever get back to the main event aside from a few short stints here and there. Aside: I do think he'd be a great face for the crowd to get behind on a US or IC title hunt.

John Cena

He is the one reason why WWE needs to look for new top faces because he won't be around forever wrestling, maybe less than a year, and if the WWE and Cena don't start helping to put over new faces (and heels), when Cena goes, and especially if it happens earlier than they planned, then they are going to be hurting!

Mark Henry

He's great when he really plays his part, but he's better as a top heel and anyway he's too old to be a top main event player for any regular time span.

Randy Orton

Even though he's only 34, he's been in WWE since his early 20s, so naturally, he's just a bit stale on fans. He's been a good top face before but he is much better as a top heel. And, more importantly, he's not the top face of the future.

Roman Reigns

Clearly, he is the chosen one for WWE right now. And that's actually fine. Because they NEED to build a few top faces and Reigns is a good one to try with. He does need to be a bit more engaging on the mic and show us some more of his POWER not just his agility but if he does so he'll be another 1 more top main event face WWE can work with in the future.

But so far, on this list, that only makes about 2 (Ambrose and Reigns... Bryan left out because he's at least had some main event success and championships and his future is still a little uncertain).


Now here's a guy I think WWE has overlooked. Hopefully after he deals with whatever he's going away for a bit to deal with they bring him back with a real purpose! He CAN work as a top face. He works BETTER as a top face. Fans cheer him more than they boo him even now.

When he comes back, I'd like to see him and Axel work towards a tag title, then if it doesn't work, they squabble and leads to Axel turning on Ryback but Ryback becomes the face and they feud for a while, Ryback wins and he goes on a re-energized run, but THIS TIME, no burial by Cena! If anything, since he is a face, he doesn't have to beat Cena, he just has to save Cena and have some tag matches with him.

I don't want to see WWE push Ryback down for too much longer. They have to either give him some credibility and show he is still powerful or just let him go because it's insulting if they let him lose easy too much. Don't let him go the way of Drew McIntyre!

Seth Rollins

Rollins could work as a top main event face, similar to how CM Punk and Edge have done but, of course, with Rollins character as it is now, he's probably a good half year to a year away from turning face. I think he will, eventually, and he'll be great but it could even be a couple years down the road so WWE has to build other top faces since Rollins is doing well as the top heel.


He is a pretty good top face. He's big and strong and has good signature moves and that always ready for a fight mentality that usually goes over well with the crowds. He gets pretty good reactions. But, he is 36! He's also had MANY top championships so he, like Orton, can't be a top main event face of the future because his career can't be that much longer.

So, considering all that. What do you folks think? Does it look kind of worrisome for WWE's future to have top main event faces?

I can only see about 3 or 4 out of that list. Guys who aren't too old and have already begun pushes and have some accomplishments and credibility. But some of those guys would still need some tweaks and pretty quick if they needed them to be top faces, let's say by after WM 31.

Ambrose, Reigns and Bryan can't be enough.

Hopefully guys like Ryback, Cesaro and Big E will be established better and ready to make the move to top main event face, if needed after WM 31 but no guarantees on that.

I won't get into NXT guys too much, but even there, guys like Adrian Neville, Sami Zayn and Kalisto are great but will play underdogs when on the main roster and thus take a year or two at least to be considered main event caliber.

So, what do you think?

Is the future bleak for WWE and their top main event faces?

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