lundi 11 août 2014

Put down the phone, and get to work!

Okay so I am hear to address something that really gets on my nerves! And that is two top performers in WWE who, to me, seem to really phone it in a lot. Those men are RVD, and Randy Orton.

Maybe its just me. I'll start with RVD. It doesn't help that he hasn't changed anything about his character in 15 years, but on top of that I literally have started losing interest when he comes out for match. He just seems to have his usual shtick down. Thrown in rolling thunder, a monkey flip, couple of cool kicks, and either hit the five star and win, or waste time pointing his thumbs and lose. Once again it could be because he we've seen him so much, but Chris Jericho at least finds a way to make what he's doing feel fresh and different. I feel like RVD does zero story telling. And just phones it in too get paid.

Now for Orton. Let me start by saying I'm a huge Orton fan, which is why I get aggravated when I feel like he's phoning it in because he could do so some much better. I know there are a fair share of Orton haters, but you have to admit when he goes into a story, and a match motivated and puts in a strong effort he can great! He doesn't get enough credit in my opinion for his in ring skills. And he probably doesn't cause he seems to just go on auto pilot so often. I feel like that translates to some of the people who find him boring, because it just seems like he's going through the motions a lot.

Anyways what do you guys think? Do you think these guys seem to be phoning it in a lot, or no? And are there any other wrestlers who you feel like I should've mentioned?

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